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Friday 4 April we drove up to Nottingham for the wedding that was the original incentive for this trip. Not long after we'd arrived I was in the hotel lobby when a cry of "Granddad!" disturbed the peace and quiet, announcing the arrival of Rick, Hannah and the children. It was a very happy reunion, with the children full of stories and the adults a little teary.

Saturday was a beautifully sunny day and Priscilla's nephew Alasdair was duly married to Frankie in a service full of the gospel, full of hymns, and full of people: Cornerstone Church was full. It was great to see these two young Christians committing themselves to faithfulness to each other and to God in dependence upon Christ. We were blessed too by a sermon that centred on Christ, and challenged by the men in kilts (celebrating Alasdair's Scots heritage) who, not being used to wearing "skirts" had to be reminded a couple of times to keep knees and feet together while sitting at our eye-level on the platform! The church members put on a lavish afternoon tea before we headed back to the hotel for the reception.

Later in the evening they held a ceilidh. Despite Priscilla having been a little dizzy all week (travel and emotional stress) insisted she was up to the first dance. Well, on the second spin she spun to the floor, and (gallantly, let me add), rather than let her crash down hard, I held on, easing her to the floor and being dragged down beside her. One of us felt shamed - the other was highly amused. My partners for the rest of the evening were Reuben and Annelise, both of whom stayed upright.


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